Editor's Choice
  • housing, condominium,
  • voting habits, decision making,
  • e-voting, cluster analysis
The study refers to the issue of voting habits in the context of housing. We assume that a simple division into two groups of voting habits, namely voting and non-voting may, not be sufficient to explore complex relations during the voting process in condominiums. Thus the study addresses the question of whether we can identify more than two homogenous clusters of condominium co-owners, taking into consideration their voting habits. The analysis presented in this paper comprises two stages. First, data relating to condominium co-owners characteristics are forwarded and cluster analysis is used to form subsets of voters. Second, the impact of selected methods of voting on the propensity to vote is assessed using the identified clusters. The applied research strategy led us to distinguish four groups of condominium co-owners: engaged, non-voters, promising, and dormant voters. The article contributes to a better understanding of the process of making decisions in condominiums with a focus on voting habits. In particular, we indicated that studies on voting habits provide a solid foundation for more-context dependent studies on the voting process and suggest other areas to study voting habits.
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